
The site is hosted on github and is powered by static-site generator jekyll. This blog post gives a great tutorial, although you absolutely don’t have to know anything about them.

All you need to get started is a bit familiarity with markdown, and preferably a bit about Git and GitHub.

As of now, each bibliography list is treated as a “post” in Jekyll sitting in the “_post” directory, which is a markdown file respecting certain formatting.

  1. make sure you follow the naming convention of Jekyll: “”
  2. start the markdown file with a front matter like this
layout: post
title: what the topic is about
author: names of contributor
modified: Last modified date
permalink: /ashorturl/
Content goes here

By email

Editing is available for administrators only at this moment. If you want to add or correct a specific item under a topic, send an email to .

Site maintenance

To do

Major Revision History